Khazarian J3w Name-Stealers assassinated Paul McCartney and stole his identity to further their NWO Agenda.
"One quick way to destroy a society is through its music.” ~ Vladimir Lenin
“Truth will prevail if its proponents are as ruthless as the enemy.” ~ Adolf Hitler
Recorded April 29, 2022
Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA is an attorney and author: “Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy.” She also has a BA and an MA in Germanic Studies.
Pen name: Tina Foster (Author of “Plastic Macca: The Secret Death of Beatle Paul McCartney” and “The Splitting Image: Exposing the Secret World of Doubles, Decoys, and Impostor Replacements.”)
Tags: jew, jewish, jews, zionism, Khazar, Khazaria, Judaism, Paul McCartney, the Beatles, PID, Paul is Dead, Billy Shears, Faul, Bill Shepherd, William Campbell, NWO, New World Order, Faux Paul, music