Sunday, June 16, 2019

They Say It's Your Birthday (Paul McCartney)

June 18, 2019 would have been Paul McCartney's 77th birthday. This is a good time to evaluate the progress that has been made toward outing the impostor. I began this journey down the proverbial rabbit hole nearly 11 years ago. At that point, there were very few who could see that Paul had been replaced. Most blindly accepted that the double was the real McCartney. Now, after a decade of work, people are finally starting to see.

Sadly, Paul has become the target of attacks. Now that the cat is out of the bag, damage-control has kicked into high gear. The spin doctors have been busy convincing people that Paul was an artificial construct, and that the Beatles were manufactured from the beginning. They very much want people to believe that John, Paul, George, and Ringo were always Illuminati puppets, and that the Beatles phenomenon was contrived by the Tavistock Institute. If this were the case, then Paul's identity would be of little consequence. "Paul McCartney" would simply be a cut-out -  a role that could be played by various actors. If people could be convinced of this, then they would fail to appreciate the true extent of the tragedy.

Hot to Not
(comp credit to Carole Patton)

Paul, in point of fact, was uncontrollable. The Beatles were only approached by Tavistock agents when their impact on the public came to the attention of certain high officials. Paul was unwilling to compromise his artistic integrity in furtherance of any outside agency. His position as a highly influential rock star who acted according to inspiration from his own heart painted a target on his back. Paul defied his would-be controllers rather than accept any interference in his creative output. Once it became clear that he would never submit, a controlled double was  found.

Faul, as the impostor is known, gladly took over Paul's life. He inherited a prominent position in the public eye. From there, he could use or abuse that influence, depending on one's viewpoint. Whereas Paul wanted to uplift humanity through his music, Faul used his popularity to promote the New World Order agenda. For ex., he promoted LSD use, Obama, and the disarmament agenda. 

Bottom line: People lost a champion of humanity with Paul's death. In return, they gained a Pied Piper who would lead them astray. It's far from being too late to get back on track. All you need is love.



  1. Thank you for posting that,, After much research myself i have changed my mind a few times but my general thoughts are that the group were organic,, they had a certain magic to them and their music, their honesty, good humour, obvious friendship and love for one another their wit, charm and intelligence gave the world a much needed joy and energy which affected so many people. I didnt know much about them until recently and i started to look back at all their older stuff pre 1966 and i can see why they were so loved. You can see by 1966 they were exhausted touring and no longer enjoyed it, the ridiculous interrogations at press conference which none of the press seemed to even ask them about their music. Reading various interviews with them you can see that they wanted out of the Beatles and my personal opinion is that once they did their final concert they quit, no more giving interviews, no more press they intended to disband but i suppose Paul and the rest of them found out they were not allowed to end it,,, and that Paul probably insisted and then was most likely taken out in September and the rest is history. Its a heart breaking thing especially when you see his replacement ruin his James Paul McCartneys reputation.They were adored for their honesty and once he was gone they all lived a huge deceitful lie,, I think the band died with him.Their spirits were broken and John especially became a shell of himself,, It was Paul that gave that band its magic along with the rest of course but without him they may as well gone with him,, He died in integrity. What a legend he truly is.

  2. Too talented, too genius, too handsome, too popular...too rich.
    Multiple worlds collide.
    Untethered? Unfortunately No.
    By the time they were installed in their second residency in Hamburg handlers were in place.

    Bait and switch. The natural raw talented brilliance allowed to shine in the teddy boy and mop top phase to entice, charm, mesmerize, enchant the masses though mass feel-good mind control. The light allowed to rise before the rug pulled out and the wool pulled over. Post JFK balm, a tonic before the death knell coup de grace of the Viet Nam drug years of mass delusion and hypnosis.

    Bait and switch.
    [Enter tragical mystery tour discordant nonsense.]

    Lennon harder to "break" hence the multiple trauma based mind control deaths in his life. Harrison given a pass due to Catholic upbringing and compliance with religious agenda mission. Ringo given pass due to Freemason relatives.

    The alliance and force of John/Paul so strong... more than planners bargained for. "Where two or more are gathered". So much REAL LOVE, TPTB had to cleave them asunder to squelch the high vibe high frequency upgrades of the heart-chakra-activating chemistry and fraternity of soulmate dynamic duo. Positive magic. [the John-Paul mojo so uplifting, potent, galvanizing...named 70s Pope after that historical twin-flame collaboration. "John-Paul"]

    Anyone who says faul "more talented" than the young christ/krshna/dove/lamb/ JPM needs to wake up. They are under a 50+ yr old spell.

    JPM-- Yes tempted by dark side to take bite of apple and because of Pure Love agreed metaphysically to be the fall guy sacrificial lamb christ-figure so that his beloved brothers may live.

    Paulism is real, alive and well, but morphing into new meaning, new phase, new chapter,renewed reformatted upgraded purpose.

    JPM, Hari-son, John Winston Lennon
    Free As A Bird.

  3. swissyschweizer@gmail.comJune 23, 2019 at 1:49 PM

    "You can see by 1966 they were exhausted touring and no longer enjoyed it" RUBBISH!!! would they enjoy painting a cellar more!!! How awful yelled at by young ladies and making 1,000US a minute. Oh the humanity!!

    ALL 4 KILLED AUG 28 - 29 1966. Their next appearance in Dec 1966 are four barely attractive hirsute impostors with mustaches and dry hair!! George or Jorge or Forge was clearly uncomfortable and dashed into the studio. They can re-do the photos but to re-do the videos is not possible. Anlayse the honker on the face of Ringo in the Rain video to the 1967 honker in the Hello Goodbye video. Take a look at the snarling Billy/Faul too.


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