Unapologetic counterpropaganda! Watch on Brighteon
Skip to 50 minute mark.
Recorded Sept. 22, 2020
Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA (aka Tina Foster) is an attorney (WA) and author at Auriga Books, LLC. Blogs: plasticmacca.blogspot.com and leadershipbygeorge.blogspot.com. Website: cynthiahodges.com.
Michael W. Hall is the Paranormal Lawyer and President of UFOiTeam.
Brian Snoddy is an artist and JFK assassination expert.
Margaret Bartley is the President of the Seattle Metaphysical Library.
Susan (Miss Marple) is a false-flag/conspiracy researcher.
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Tina Foster is an attorney and the author of
Email Tina at faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com