Exposé of the movie, “Paul Really is Dead: the Last Testament of George Harrison,” a film by Joel Gilbert
Despite its promising title, “Paul Really is Dead: the Last Testament of George Harrison” (PRID) is a disinfo hit piece of the poorest quality. Change in belief comes about when good information is presented in a believable manner. To convince people they have been duped by a double of Paul McCartney requires compelling evidence, such as forensic analysis. This movie contains the poorest so-called “evidence” available out there on the Internet. The people behind Paul’s assassination have seeded the Internet with much disinformation regarding the Beatles and especially PID (Paul is Dead conspiracy theory). A modest amount of investigation reveals PRID to be a vehicle for presenting PID in the worst possible light.
It appears that the filmmakers were handed the script and told to find a George Harrison voice double to narrate. Even if they did receive the tapes as they claim, they admit upfront that the recording could not be authenticated as being from George Harrison. Despite this, they continuously refer to the narrator as being George. This smacks of purposeful dishonesty. The fact that it is not George Harrison’s voice should be readily apparent with a simple comparison between the narrator of the film and a recording of the real George Harrison.
Paul was killed in 1966, yet many so-called “clues” from 1965 and early 1966 (pre-replacement) are referenced in the film. Even if one does not consciously catch the mistakes, one’s consciousness does register them. Even though the truth is Paul was replaced, the resonance effect is somewhat over-ridden by the false information. The viewer feels an initial realization that s/he is being presented with Truth. This feeling is blotted out as the false information accumulates, tipping the scales in the viewer’s mind. Once this occurs, the mind that was once open to PID slams shut.
Careful analysis of this movie reveals it to be a deliberate attempt to squash any openness to PID as even a possibility. The narration by the voice double is a constant bug in the ear whispering to the viewer that s/he is being presented with false information. In other words, the initial lie that George Harrison recorded the tapes already puts doubts in the viewer’s mind, which is constantly reinforced. Apart from that, the viewer is told that Paul is Faul, which the subconscious recognizes as untrue. Other false information offsets the core truth that Paul was replaced.
Dealing with the opposition to the truth coming out about James Paul McCartney (JPM) is no easy task. This author has attempted to point out some of the problems with this film. I encourage you to add your own observations in the comments. Below are some discrepancies in the film that I have observed (in no particular order).
1. “George” says he met Paul when he was 14 and Paul was 16. Paul was only 8 months older, so how could he reckon that? Paul was born on June 18, 1942 and George was born on February 25, 1943. The date they met appears to be in February 6,1958 [http://www.beatlesbible.com/1958/02/06/george-harrison-meets-quarrymen/]. At that point, George was 14, but Paul was still 15.
2. “George” says Paul was killed on the night of November 9, 1966. The next morning, MI5 informed the other Beatles, and they spent two days in an MI5 safe house. The next day, the Beatles announced they would stop touring.
In reality, Brian Epstein announced the Beatles would quit touring on September 11, 1966.
3. “George” said there was a Paul lookalike contest in 1966, and claimed there was no winner announced, but that “William Campbell” was the secret winner. I believe the film makers did not realize that there was a Paul lookalike contest in 1965 in which Keith Allison won.
4. “George” said John Lennon called Faul “False Paul.” A biography of John Lennon (I believe by Ray Coleman) said that John actually called him “Faux Paul.” This is more in keeping with John’s witty turns of phrase, as this sounds like “faux pas,” which could be a double entendre.
5. “George” references “visual clues on album covers” which were pre-death and replacement. The filmmakers say Paul died in November 1966, so why are they trying to use “clues” on the following that preceded Paul’s death?
Butcher Album / Release Date:1966-01-01 [http://www.sortmusic.com/_b/the-beatles-albums,id152101,len.html]
Rubber Soul / release date Dec. 3, 1965 http://www.thebeatles.com/#/albums/Rubber_Soul),
Revolver / Release Date August 5, 1966 [http://www.allmusic.com/album/revolver-mw0000189174])
6. “George” says the record company the Beatles started was A Paul Corporation, but really it was Apple Corps (a play on apple core or even a Paul Corpse).
7. “George” said he wrote a song “Taxidermist” as a clue, because Paul was taken to one, but that the song was changed to “Taxman.” This makes no sense as taxidermy is “the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals and especially vertebrates” [http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/taxidermy] Paul may have had a wax effigy made of him for Sgt. Pepper, but I highly doubt he was mounted on someone’s wall as a trophy.
8. “George” said Paul’s "parents" attended Paul’s funeral, but Paul’s mom had died when he was 14. How could she have attended?
9. “George” said the album “Yesterday & Today” came out after "Revolver" but that is incorrect.
“Yesterday & Today” / Release Date:1966-01-01 [http://www.sortmusic.com/_b/the-beatles-albums,id152101,len.html])
Revolver / Release Date August 5, 1966 [http://www.allmusic.com/album/revolver-mw0000189174])
10. “George” said “I’m Only Sleeping” was what Paul looked like dead. If Paul had been decapitated, burned, and lost an eye in the supposed car crash, why would he look like he was sleeping?
11. “George” claims John Lennon wrote “Yesterday” for Paul. “Yesterday” was released on “Help!” on 6 August 1965 (UK) [http://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/yesterday/], more than a year before the narrator says Paul died.
12. “George” claims a doll on the Sgt. Pepper album cover has a split head to show Paul’s supposed head injury in the accident, yet at the beginning of the film, he claimed Paul had been decapitated. Interestingly, the filmmakers do not reference Jayne Mansfield, who appears on the album cover and who was actually killed in a car crash.
13. “George” claims he said “oh, bury my body, o untimely death” at the end of “I am the Walrus.” In fact, “The voices at the end of the song came from a BBC broadcast of the Shakespeare play King Lear...” [From Songfacts at http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=138]
14. “George” says Faul’s picture on the White Album sleeve was Faul's passport photo. However, one may not typically wear glasses in passport photos.
15. “George” says John puts open palm sign over Paul’s head on cover of “Yellow Submarine,” when it was clearly the sign for Il Cornuto.
16. “George” claims “Yellow Submarine” was a reference to Paul’s death in that it symbolized coffins buried under a sea of green grass. This song, too, was released prior to Paul’s replacement. It appeared on “Revolver,” which was released on 5 August 1966 (UK) [http://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/yellow-submarine/]
17. “George” claims Russ Gibb announced on Oct. 12, 1969 that Paul was dead, but in reality, Tom Zarski called in that night to “rap” about Paul being dead. It was news to Russ Gibb at that point.
18. “George” says John came up with the idea of the “Let It Be” album after “Abbey Road.” The Beatles began recording “Let It Be” a year before they started recording “Abbey Road.”
“Let It Be” Recording Date February 1968 - April 1970 [http://www.allmusic.com/album/let-it-be-mw0000192939]
“Abbey Road” Recording Date February 22, 1969 - August 20, 1969
19. “George” claimed Faul had gone into hiding in “Central England,” when in fact, Faul had moved to Scotland. Paul had bought the farmhouse in Campbelltown on June 17, 1966 [source: http://www.beatlesbible.com/1966/06/17/paul-mccartney-purchases-high-park-farm-kintyre-scotland/.
20. “George” claims John “latched onto” Yoko Ono in 1970, but in fact, he met her on November 9, 1966 (the other 9.11.66 [http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/john-lennon30.htm]). Her continuous presence in the recording studios has been blamed by some for the Beatles breakup.
21. “George” claims “Rita” - the passenger in the car the night of Nov. 9. 1966 - was Heather Mills. This is impossible, as Mills was not born until 12 January 1968 [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1457728/bio]
Tina Foster is the author of
Email Tina at faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com.
The Luciferian Deception
ALIEN INVASION: Reptilians, Cetaceans and Frequency Wars on Planet Earth
Bottom line: This movie is largely derived from the "60 IF document," which is made-up, disinfo BS. It can be read HERE. This is supposedly "George Harrison's deathbed confession," but the text states that "George was in India" at the time of Paul's alleged car accident. So, George was referring to himself in the 3rd person? Rookie mistake. lol