Tuesday, June 25, 2019

For Paul McCartney, the Hits Keep on Coming (video)

Hi. This is Tina Foster. You may know my name due to my work in the Paul is Dead truth movement. I published a comprehensive examination of PID entitled Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney. In it, I lay out my theory as to what happened to Paul.

Watch video ODYSEE || BITCHUTE || Brighteon

Since I began researching JPM's disappearance over a decade ago, the disinformation campaign has morphed several times. In 2008, the main thrust was to deny the existence of Faul. Paid agents would sit on the forums, insulting anyone who claimed Paul had been replaced. Realizing that this strategy was ineffective, shills began to claim that Paul had quit the band voluntarily. Brazen disinformation that John Halliday was JPM became widespread. 

After a spell, the controllers hit upon the idea of disparaging Paul and lauding Faul. This tactic served the agenda well in that it elevated the Illuminati puppet above Paul, the one who had threatened their control system. Paul, the lovable Mop-Top Beatle, shone with high frequency love and light. His energy was triggering a shift in consciousness. This pattern of energy was captured in his beautiful, feel-good music. Hearing such music helped the listener "rise above" the low-level energy that keeps people stuck in ignorance and hate. Paul, outside of the dark side's control, was dancing to the beat of a different drum.

Faul was the Illuminati's solution. He adopted Paul's name, identity, and mannerisms, but the music he produced was very different. Gone were the uplifting and haunting melodies that activated the heart chakra. The new sound was intended to fracture energy and bring the listener down. Paul 2 took it to whole new depths with "Helter Skelter." The song set the stage for even darker music to flourish. 

Unfortunately for Paul's legacy, the hits keep on coming. Agents have convinced too many people that Paul was always controlled by the dark forces at the Tavistock Institute. Despite the fact that this makes no logical sense, some have Faullen for this disinformation. Paul's enemies hope to obliterate his effort to raise the collective vibration by dumping a load of BS on it. 

Ultimately, such attempts will fail, because truth always prevails. In the meantime, Paul sits on the edge of perception, playing his music in the void where all possibilities exist and where we all shine on. 

Tina Foster is the author of

Email Tina at faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com

Tina's blog: plasticmacca.blogspot.com

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