Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Video: Christmas Message 2020: Let the Good Times Roll

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Happy holy days! We wish you a merry Christmas. I am happy to put a cap on 2020 at last. Energetically, the new year began on December 21, when the sun halted its southward march. In addition, the Christmas Star conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn signaled that something special was happening. 2021 promises to be a year of exciting changes. 

Paul McCartney Truth is becoming harder to suppress. It seems that a critical mass of people know something happened to the real Paul.  They will demand answers. Plastic Macca is feeling the heat. We can tell because he is working double time to convince the audience that he is the real deal. Despite his efforts and the media's help, his mask is slipping. Too many people are questioning the quality of his output. They find it puzzling that "Paul" has floundered as a solo artist when "he" was a veritable hit-writing machine in the Beatles. Fans know inherently that something is amiss. Musicians tend to improve with experience, not worsen. Many are beginning to put two and two together and figure out that Faul is an impostor. 

The fact is that many secrets will be revealed in the near future because it has been so ordained. As Earth hurtles through space, it is entering an area of high-frequency vibrations. In such an environment, it is difficult to keep hidden information concealed. The results can be quite shocking as more light shines in dark corners. Take the election fiasco, for example. Dirty politicians and Deep State actors have been stealing elections for years. In prior elections, only the most astute observers noticed. By contrast, the majority of the public now suspects election fraud occurred in November 2020. It is not that the actions taken were so different from those in the past, but this time, a light was shining on the perpetrators whilst they performed their dirty deeds. The "light" is, of course, a metaphor for revealing energies that are prevalent at this time. The Deep State actors are still in denial about the fact that they have been caught out. We can tell because they are taking an offensive posture towards those they cheated rather than being contrite. What all good people of faith should cling to is the assurance that bad deeds will be punished. We are no longer in a place where lying, cheating, and stealing will advance one's political agenda or career. Instead, it will backfire: The bigger the fraud, the bigger the blowback - it will be proportionate, for the most part. 

As we go more deeply into the "enlightened" area of space, more and more deception will be revealed. Lies and treachery cannot exist if there are no shadows in which to hide. In the coming days and weeks, more and more layers of deception will be exposed to view. It will be a time of revelations for humanity, just as prophesied in the Bible. How did prophets know? Because it is a cycle that has repeated for eons. We are lucky to be entering such an epoch. It will last a millennium.  Eventually, we will move on to a different part of space with a different prevailing energy, but we do not have to worry about that yet. For now, let the good times roll. 


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