Friday, May 6, 2022

The Beatles were Replaced by NWO Puppets (an Introduction)


 The Beatles were replaced on the eve of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1967)…

Recorded May 6, 2022 

The Fab Four -  original Beatles - brought love, joy, hope and optimism to people via the good vibrations of their music. The audience felt the love and returned it. 

At the height of their popularity, the Beatles  had more influence on the public than any head of state.

 The Beatles were said to be - by Timothy Leary -  agents sent by God with the power to transform humanity into laughing freemen. The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said he always knew that the Beatles were angels on earth. 

The Beatles  did not toe the party line, however, and worked against the NWO. 

For ex, All of them  started speaking out against segregation, a punitive tax system, and the Vietnam war - especially in 1966, 

Paul McCartney offered to write the music for “Rush to Judgment,” a movie by Mark Lane debunking the official JFK assassination story. Paul did not believe that LHO had done it. Imagine how much publicity this alternative theory would have garnered, had PM been involved on the project. 

Then beg. in 1967,  everything changed - the music, the look, the message. 

Gone were the clean-cut Liverpool Lads  crooning sweet melodies about love. They were replaced by Sgt Pepper’ LHCB - a military band in colorful uniforms, mustaches and beards singing about drugs (Lucy in the Sky w/ Diamonds (LSD), I am the Walrus).  

The facial hair was meant to hide their faces; the bright uniforms were intended to distract from the face altogether. The original musicians were replaced w/ a puppet show.

What happened to the adorable Mop-Tops? 

They were replaced by controlled doubles at the end of August 1966 in an impostor-replacement psy-op. The Khazarian Name-Stealers have a history of murdering people and stealing their identities. 

The Jews that control the music industry and the media realized that the Beatles threatened their NWO plans and had be stopped. 

On the final leg of their 1966 US tour,  all four Beatles were likely killed after the Aug. 25, 1966 Seattle show and before The Aug. 28 LA show by - most likely - some intelligence agency. possibly Mossad, who is known to operate in foreign countries. 

The USS Liberty attack of 1967 proves that Israel would be protected by a cover-up.

the “Beatles” last live concert in San Francisco on Aug. 29, 1966 was called “terrible” by more than a few audience members. The impostors were not up to the task. - they could not pull off a live stage performance. Shortly after the band arrived back in the UK, their Jewish manager, Brian Epstein,  announced that the Beatles would never perform live again. The chance of being discovered was too great. 

To keep the cash flowing and to use the originals’ good name and reputation to exert influence on the public, the NWO imposters hid away at the Abbey Road studios, writing drug-inspired, trippy special effect-laden music and dredging up old originals that Paul had written before he died (“She’s Leaving Home” for ex) or John (“one after 909”). Faux Paul/Faul retained the help of Mal Evans, the roadie, to help him write songs on Sgt. Pepper - the requiem to the Beatles. Derek Taylor, the press secretary, admitted that the cover depicted a funeral scene.

Then, the fans’ horror, Fohn Lennonstein - the Jewish John Lennon with a beaked-nose and high nipples - - began the scripted relationship with Yoko Ono from a Japanese banking family, who admitted she was a witch. they reportedly met on Sept. 11, 1966

Together, they discredited the peace activists by giving Monty Python-esque interviews and eating chocolate cake in a bag to make the peace movement look ridiculous. The talentless Yoko’s vile vocals further alienated Beatles’ fans who could not understand why John would dump his beautiful wife and son for “that.” This could also be viewed as a NWO attack on the family unit. Of course, Yoko got rave reviews in “Rolling Stone” and was haled as an “avant garde” genius.  Critics know we know, but they pretend, anyway.

The laughing freemen who could have changed the world for the better were replaced by unlikeable imposters who set about stamping out the Beatles’ legacy.

The memory of John Winston Lennon was further discredited by being relegated to a house-husband who called his wife, “Mother,” not to mention some humiliating public photos of him in his all together. Along w/ the saggy bottomed Yoko. 

When it became clear that “John” was not the cash register he had once been nor was he exerting the kind of influence that the controllers wanted, then he was killed off in a public execution. Let that be a warning to the others… 

Paul McCartney’s formidable musical legacy that included such classics as “Yesterday” and “Eleanor Rigby” has been sullied w/ tripe such as “We All Stand Together (The Frog Chorus),” “Simply Having a WonderFaul xmas time,”  etc. Even Gringo told him to “Back Off, Boogaloo.” 

It is time to separate Paul from Faul, Beatles from Featles, and reclaim their legacy and the history that has been hidden from us. 

Tags: jew, jewish, jews, nwo, new world order, Illuminati, zionism, Khazar, Khazaria, Judaism, Zion, Beatles, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul is Dead, PID, Faux Paul, Billy Shears, music, communism


“Truth will prevail if its proponents are as ruthless as the enemy.” ~ Adolf Hitler

Tina Foster is an attorney, Paul is Dead (PID) expert, and the author of

Email Tina at faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com


Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA is an attorney and author: “Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy.” ( She also has a BA and an MA in Germanic Studies.

Pen name: Tina Foster (Author of “Plastic Macca: The Secret Death of Beatle Paul McCartney” and “The Splitting Image: Exposing the Secret World of Doubles, Decoys, and Impostor Replacement”)


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