Monday, August 5, 2013

The Rolling Stones and a possible PID connection?

The Rolling Stones and a possible PID connection?

by Carole Wright - July 2013
A couple of weeks ago, I listened to an interview by Andrew Johnson with Tina Foster and subsequently remembered the BBC 'Our World' transmission of  'All You Need Is Love' which was broadcast on 25th June 1967.  After watching it again, and observing that both Mick Jagger and Keith Richards can be clearly seen in the studio,  I wondered why they were there and why they were taking part in a deception being played out to a worldwide audience?   I say this because the forensic evidence shows that it was not James Paul McCartney performing as one of the Beatles and obviously the Rolling Stones must have known this.

In an attempt to shed some light on how the Rolling Stones were affected by James Paul McCartney's replacement, I decided to look closely at their artistic work released after the transmission date.  As you will see, there are some possible references and connections which are both interesting and troubling.  Below is the order in which I looked at the singles and albums together with my thoughts during the process as it unfolded...
Read the rest of the article at Check the Evidence here.


The Luciferian Deception

Reptilians, Cetaceans and Frequency Wars on Planet Earth


  1. How about the Sgt Pepper's Only Darts Pub Band promo when Linda Eastman met Sir Wilhelm Campbell? When Mick Jagger was introduced to Satan AKA fAUL.

  2. I think Carole is on the right path. A couple of corrections: Both Get Your Ya-Ya's Out and Jimi Hendrix's death took place in September 1970, not 1969. The Stones' B-side "Child of the Moon" is mentioned in this article.


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