Monday, December 24, 2018

Paul is Dead (PID) Update - Christmas 2018

Paul says, "Happy Crimble!"
This Christmas, the message is very positive. The number of people who are waking up is astounding. While there is still a ways to go before the impostor Paul McCartney is officially outed, so many people are realizing it that the tide has now turned against Faul. He has resorted to defaming Paul's memory as a way to sell himself as preferable to the original. Sadly, there has been a discrediting campaign waged against JPM in an attempt to contain the damage. This has been done because Paul was a force for good on the planet. If people can be convinced that he was evil, then they are more likely to embrace his replacement, who was the truly evil one. My new book, Plastic Macca, will discuss this in greater detail in an attempt to set the record straight.

Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas!





  1. So looking forward to your book. I am on the same page as you!

  2. Arrogant Paul's vibe is unmistakable. The Paul in the David Frost 1964 interview, however, is similar to the video of Paul when he got married. I am very confused by a "shapeshifting" Paul. I am not convinced Paul disappeared in 1966. I do not however, believe the current Paul is James Paul McCartney. I am very concerned about Paul talking about their supposed "sexcapades." John and George are not here to defend their image and it is just one more indication that Faul is 'twisted.' I am concerned about all of the assertions on some websites that put Paul in a bad light, even trying to connect Charles Manson to Paul. This just has to stop and I don't believe it will as long as Faul is controlling the narrative and can call GQ or any other media. Your job is not just to expose Faul but to try and undo the harm he has done. In the George Hamilton film .. when Faul enters, he is called Neil in the subtitles. (Not Bill but Neil .. perhaps because it is difficult to discern. - Clearly, Faul was NOT greeted as Paul.) Best Wishes for your success. I am anxiously awaiting your book.

  3. Hi Tina, I'm sure you've seen the Olivia Harrison vid that just came out (I think - I just saw it anyway). The one where she greets Faul backstage with her Dhani and greets him "Hello Billy". How many people have to do this before someone officially questions why so many people are calling "Paul McCartney" William, Bill or Billy? Also, a side note, the PID discussion forum link doesn't seem to work. Thank you for all your efforts, esp on doubles, that is a fascinating topic! It really hit home for me when we saw Hillary's double on the sidewalk on 9/11/16 after her collapse.


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