Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Setting the Record Straight: Paul McCartney v. "Faul"

Setting the Record Straight: Paul McCartney v. "Faul"

In the summer of 1966, Paul McCartney of Beatles’ fame vanished without a trace. Waiting in the wings was an impostor dubbed “Billy Shears.” In time, memories of Paul faded, and the double usurped his identity. 

Watch video: Odysee || Bitchute || Brighteon

Paul’s legacy has been sullied by sub-par, trite songs. Paul had the highest standards when it came to his musical output. He would never have released some of the rubbish that has his name on it. Paul had integrity, and would not have abused his popularity to sell an inferior product.

As many critics would agree, this is not Faul’s philosophy. He only cares about reaping rewards from his undeserved position on the rock ’n roll hierarchy. Recently, Faul chastised his audience for failing to appreciate his songs enough (In this case, “Fuh You.”) He vowed to play them anyway, effectively forcing pure junk on his fans. 

Paul would have reevaluated his abilities had his songs failed to please. Billy has no sense of shame. He considers himself to be quite the star, regardless of any negative feedback. It is of no consequence to him that any credibility he may possess is down to Paul’s talent. 

Faul’s reign is coming to an end. Three things cannot be long hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth. 

Paul’s record will eventually be set straight. Faul will be relegated to a footnote in history, where he belongs, and the Beatles will be remembered for the love and joy they brought to humanity. 

All of this and more is discussed in “Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney” by Tina Foster. Available on

Watch video: Odysee || Bitchute || Brighteon

Tina Foster is the author of

Email Tina at faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com.

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