Friday, February 2, 2024

Down the Rabbit Hole: an Interview with Author, Cynthia Hodges

Welcome to the rabbit hole with attorney and author,  Cynthia Hodges, recognized for her meticulously researched books and videos. She fearlessly delves into topics spanning the fake economy to encounters with invisible entities, presenting a unique blend of conservative views, top-notch education and an an eclectic background. This amalgamation, often deemed "out there," "fringe," or even "woo-woo" by skeptical materialists, creates a striking and rare combination of perspectives.

Q: Other than yourself, who are the top ten living frontline activists working to save-and-upgrade humanity, while saving us from who and what? We search for "the Ones." 

A: The people I have been listening to lately are Dr. E. Michael Jones, Brother Nathanael Kapner, Jan Lambrecht (history reviewed - out of South Africa), Clif High, Dane Wiggington (Geo-engineering Watch), Harry Vox,  Nick Fuentes (America First), ITM Trading’s videos (Lynette Zang), Peter Schiff, Scott Bennett, and Celestial at the Master’s Voice Prephecy Blog. 

Q: What are the best ways to find your humanity saving efforts online and off? 

A: Ways to find your humanity both online and offline could  involve joining organizations aligned with your values, utilizing social media for advocacy, volunteering at local community centers or shelters, educating and advocating for causes on social platforms, offering professional skills to organizations, engaging in political advocacy for policy changes, participating in fundraising events,, continuously learning, and empathetically listening to those affected by crises.

For me, the process of continuous learning, educating, and advocating for causes in books, videos, and on social media platforms is deeply intertwined with my spiritual connection to God. This connection provides me with the energy and strength to fight for truth and justice. Engaging with nature, such as through gardening, enhances that spiritual bond and serves as a way for me to recharge. I also used to train dressage horses, which develops a connection to an animal unlike any other. 

Q: And easiest way to contact you? 

A: cyn (at) cynthiahodges dot com

Q:  Who are the most destructive-harmful so-called Truther-Patriot activists, in your view, and why? 

A: Agents who intentionally mislead users pose significant dangers as they propagate misinformation. Their deceptive guidance risks spreading inaccuracies, potentially influencing decisions and behaviors. 

Q:  Starting with a focus on you before we survey your world changing works, have you ever done an etymology-linguistics study of your birth certificate (BC) name and or lifetime nicknames, if you had a documented B.C., and what did that uncover? 

A. No, I’ve never done that. Some people make claims about BCs that I don’t really buy into. Birth certificates primarily serve as legal records to establish an individual's identity, citizenship, and lineage, enabling access to various rights and services. They are essential for obtaining identification, education, healthcare, and legal rights. Assertions without solid evidence risk distracting from genuine concerns and legitimate issues about privacy or government overreach, diverting attention away from more critical discussions about societal challenges.

Q:  Ever studied predictive systems, in whole or part, unless consider them all to be a bunch of hooey, telling us why, and what they have to say about those born on the particular day, hour, minute to second your new baby born body came into this world, as reported by a B.C., for example, e.g. the so-called Mayan, Chinese or Hindu Ayurveda etc Calendars, Sun Bears' Earth Astrology Medicine Wheel book, the Secret language of Birthdays Personology book by Gary Goldschneider et al.? 

A: I’ve studied Vedic Astrology, which is an accurate predictor. 
Vedic astrology, using personalized birth charts, has the ability to predict life events and individual traits.
Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish Shastra, is an ancient system of astrology originating from the Indian subcontinent. It's rooted in the Vedas, ancient texts that form the foundation of Hindu philosophy and knowledge. Vedic astrology is a complex and comprehensive system that involves studying planetary movements and their positions in relation to constellations at the time of an individual's birth. This information is used to create a birth chart or horoscope, known as a "kundali" or "jatakam," which serves as a personalized map of an individual's life. Vedic astrologers believe that the positions and movements of celestial bodies influence an individual's personality, life events, relationships, and overall destiny. The system includes various branches such as predictive astrology, horoscopic astrology, and remedial measures to mitigate potential negative influences indicated in the birth chart. It's deeply ingrained in Indian culture and traditions and is consulted for guidance on various aspects of life, including marriage, career, health, and more. It has been remarkably accurate for me.

Q:  Do you have posted online a copy of any-all of your diplomas-degrees-certificates and school course transcripts showing your grades, and typewritten thesis, if any was produced by you, to take-complete your credentials, if of higher learning advanced degrees? 

A: I have 3 advanced degrees - a JD, an LLM, and an MA. I don’t even have my degrees in a frame. They are still in the little cardboard containers they came in. 
My LLM thesis was published by Michigan State U College of Law - Animal Law Center - “The Canadian Commercial Seal Hunt: In Search Of International Legal Protection For Harp Seals” @
I have a print copy of my master’s thesis from the German dept. at UT Austin, but not a digital copy. 

Q: Other questions we've already emailed, reorganized-placed here, e.g how would you sum up the human condition, nature of ultimate reality?  

A: The human condition revolves around seeking meaning, connection, and understanding amid life's challenges—embracing joy, suffering, love, and loss while pursuing knowledge and purpose. Perspectives on ultimate reality vary widely; for some, it's a transcendent force or consciousness beyond human grasp, while others see it as immanent, woven into every aspect of existence. Concepts such as God, the Universe, interconnectedness, or cosmic energy endeavor to explain this ultimate reality. I believe our purpose is to learn—about ourselves, the divine, and the world—guided by a cosmic plan, karma, and destiny. I believe in reincarnation and that we experience multiple earthly cycles until we grasp life's deeper truths. Some may be new to this human experience, while others seem more acquainted, each on their unique journey toward enlightenment. I hope this is my last rodeo on this planet. I’m ready for something new and better. 

Q:  What are you doing to help save humanity from itself in addition to analysis heard on the Web? 

A: My purpose revolves around uncovering concealed truths that governing powers conceal from the public eye. Exposing these clandestine methods renders subversive tactics ineffective once they're brought to light. I have the ability to delve deeply into research, unearthing the obscure, and often unsettling realities. I can navigate through an overwhelming ocean of information, distilling it into a comprehensible stream akin to sipping from a drinking fountain rather than drinking from a firehose. However, my role is to present these revelations; it's in the hands of individuals to decide what to do with this knowledge. Similar to leading a horse to water but unable to compel it to drink, I can disseminate information; the choice to engage with it critically and reflectively ultimately rests with each individual. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him think. 

Q: What are the best ways to right starship Earth so humanity diverts from its present self-destructive trajectory? 

A:     Prioritizing sustainable practices and conservation efforts is important to avert a climate catastrophe from geo-engineering. The implementation of policies aimed at curbing toxic emissions, safeguarding ecosystems, and fostering sustainable lifestyles can thwart the environmental disaster predicted by experts such as Dane Wiggington. People need to look up at the sky and acknowledge the concerning presence of chemtrails, and realize the dire consequences of daily exposure to these harmful substances. 

Protecting and reviving ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, and halting habitat destruction are essential safeguards for humanity's survival on Earth; the collapse of crucial elements such as pollinators directly jeopardizes our existence. We have to protect the bees!

Empowering local communities to champion environmental causes fosters a profound sense of responsibility and bolsters grassroots sustainability. Initiatives such as cultivating victory gardens for food autonomy and participating in cleanup efforts to safeguard wildlife and water sources contribute significantly to local resilience. You don’t want to be dependent on the government for your daily bread!

However, the onus lies on individuals to embrace awareness and action, though this might pose a formidable challenge. Asking the average person to engage with complex or uncomfortable realities may exceed their willingness, highlighting the difficulties in igniting widespread  action.

Q:  If you were forced to assume the most powerful political and or economic and or religious offices on earth, say, POTUS, or head of BIS/WEF, or "the Pope," what would you do to quote "save the world"? 

A: If granted the authority, my primary aim would be to realign the federal government to the principles of limited governance envisioned by the Founding Fathers. I would advocate for fundamental changes, including the reinstatement of a limited government model as originally intended by the Constitution's framers. This would involve drafting constitutional amendments to abolish a privately controlled central bank and disallow  federal debt accumulation. Over time, the federal government has overstepped its bounds by exploiting clauses such as the commerce clause and the necessary and proper clause, expanding its authority far beyond the Constitution's original intent, intruding excessively into citizens' lives.
Furthermore, I'd propose an amendment forbidding the use of executive powers, ensuring that legislative bodies rightfully hold the authority to enact laws, preventing the executive branch from overreaching. Additionally, recognizing the sovereignty of individual states, I would include a provision in the Constitution allowing states a peaceful exit from the union if desired. The original vision of the United States was never intended as a roach motel, as Thomas Jefferson himself noted in the Declaration of Independence, affirming the right to dissolve a tyrannical government. However, the current situation, where states would potentially have to resort to force to exit, stands in stark contrast to the peaceful dissolution envisioned by the Founders, serving no one's best interests.

Q:  Are you familiar with the activism of "Dr Shiva" at and, if so, what do you think of it?  See, e.g these links / videos for brief intro:   

A: Yes, I discuss his claim that the election was stolen from him in MI  in “Code Red.”

Q: If you had their permission to physically bodily resurrect him, and he asked you to do so, would you attempt it?  Is this legal?  If not, should it be? 

A: No, that’s Necromancy. It isn’t deemed illegal, because It is protected under the First Amendment. The principle of the separation of church and state safeguards spiritual practices from legislative interference. However, delving into this realm of opening portals to spirits from the beyond isn't without its dangers. The risks are profound - uncertainties loom regarding what entities might cross those thresholds, potentially pretending to be our loved ones. My encounters with the paranormal have convinced me to steer clear of uncontrolled dabbling with practices that open portals. Only in meticulously regulated situations do I venture into these realms, mindful of the potential hazards lurking beyond.

Q:  Do you agree we're now living in a time where much of what was once considered miracles, fantasy or science fiction is now coming into reality or already has? 

A: Yes, for ex, Artificial intelligence and robotics are revolutionizing industries, reshaping our work and lifestyles, from autonomous vehicles to AI-driven personal assistants. The proliferation of smartphones and the internet has interconnected the globe in ways once deemed inconceivable, revolutionizing communication and global connectivity.

In the realm of psy-ops, an array of sophisticated technologies emerges, blurring the lines between reality and artifice. Organic robotoids, synthetics, and holograms, along with the advent of deep fakes, introduce intricate layers to the manipulation of truth. These innovations harbor the potential for abuse, allowing for the creation of convincing doubles and impostors. From synthetic humanoids to holographic representations, the realm of doubles and impostors has extended its reach, raising concerns about the veracity of information and the ease with which these technologies could be employed in nefarious psy-ops. Such misuse of technology obscures the truth, introducing difficulties in distinguishing between authenticity and manipulation in an era where reality itself can be fabricated with alarming accuracy.
I think there might be undisclosed technologies. An unveiling of long-hidden information could be underway, likely unstoppable, prompting a paradigm shift where concealed truths come to light in this time of Revelations.

Q:  In that spirit, seen movies such as "AI" that explore morality-ethics of the scientific conquest of death aka trans-human immortality and or resurrection? 

A: Movies such as "AI" serve as a conduit for audiences to grapple with profound questions about the bounds of humanity, the ramifications of tampering with mortality, and the ethical quandaries intertwined with technological leaps.

Specifically, "AI" delves into themes of artificial intelligence, the pursuit of eternal life, and the ethical implications of crafting sentient beings capable of human emotions and experiences. It sparks introspection regarding the essence of consciousness, the moral obligations in creating life, and the ethical considerations when interfering with the natural cycle of life and death.
Similarly, movies such as  "Ex Machina" explore these thematic threads, prompting contemplation about the moral conundrums arising from endeavors to transcend human limitations using technology. Such  films invite conversations regarding the ethical consequences of bestowing sentient intelligence, extending life indefinitely, or artificially replicating consciousness.
However, these creations running AI are just  sophisticated robots executing intricate computer programs, devoid of a living soul. In my opinion, a human soul would not inhabit a clone, robot, or synthetic. However, there are tales of demonic entities possessing dolls, such as the “Sally” doll, so just imagine the horror show that would ensue if your robot AI girlfriend or boyfriend became demon-possessed. Yikes!

Q: Do you maintain any hair and or blood-bodily sample-remnants from which viable DNA can be found-extracted from-of now long gone loved ones? 

A: Yes, some fur from my pets from the past. No, I would not clone them.

Q: If said has relatively-perfectly preserved DNA, given how much you miss them, should and can you-one use the same to attempt to somehow resurrect a genetic "clone" of their body, then, merge the same with their recreated digital-digitized memetic-memory ("mind"), obtained-created from all records still existing from-about them, then, if so, would doing so automatically recreate their original soul aka spirit aka essential-essence-consciousness-source-personality and or automatically draw their original soul, back into "their" new body, if it remained, in the interim, in tact, in the so-called quantum realm, aka spirit world, if not already reincarnated into another human body, if such a thing exists? 

A: The exploration of cloning and digitally reimagining memories has long fascinated scientific and philosophical minds. Yet, despite advancements, the fundamental essence—the soul or consciousness—remains beyond our scientific grasp.

From a scientific vantage point, replicating genetics and memories may yield a physical replica resembling the original individual. However, the intangible aspects of consciousness, the core identity, is impossible to create. The elusive nature of the soul or essential essence defies scientific recreation.
The notion of resurrecting an individual's soul into a recreated body or summoning their essence from a spiritual realm is deeply entrenched in spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. This concept delves into profound themes: the continuity of consciousness, the existence of the soul, and the nature of being beyond mortality. These transcend empirical understanding, residing within the realms of philosophy and faith.
Various cultures and religions envision a quantum or spiritual plane where departed essences might dwell. Nonetheless, accessing such realms eludes our current scientific methodologies, remaining within the realms of religion, spirituality, and faith.
Ultimately, the replication of an individual's complete essence, encompassing consciousness or soul, remains impossible. It exceeds the boundaries of current scientific capabilities.
While cloning and mind replication might create copies, the resultant entity would merely be  a robot running a programmed simulation. Lacking the original soul, it could be deemed nothing more than a Golum—a creepy imitation of life.

Q:  How many books / articles read that woke you up to truther world views? 

A: Exploring a vast array of literature and articles throughout my life has opened my eyes to alternative viewpoints and  "truther" perspectives. Delving into history unveils layers that aren't readily apparent. The understanding of historical events, their context, and the implications behind them plays a crucial role in the realm of truth-seeking. (I have a minor in medieval European history)

The label "conspiracy theorist" often carries negative connotations, but at its core lies a skill that sets us apart: the ability to discern patterns where others might not. It's about recognizing connections, questioning narratives, and not taking everything at face value. There's a certain acumen for seeing beyond the obvious, for spotting inconsistencies or hidden agendas that might escape the notice of those who adhere strictly to mainstream thought.
In my own journey, it has been about critically analyzing information, understanding the nuances, and acknowledging that sometimes, official narratives might not actually be the truth (EX, official JFK assassination story). This prompts a deeper exploration of the complexities surrounding them.
The wealth of information available today means that remaining ignorant is a choice. However, sifting through this vast trove of information requires a discerning eye and an open mind. It's about piecing together a more comprehensive understanding by considering various viewpoints, historical contexts, and patterns that emerge across different narratives.
In essence, it wasn’t particular books or articles that woke me up to alternative viewpoints; it was the quality of critical thinking, the exploration of diverse sources, and the willingness to question and dig deeper beyond the surface that have woken me up to the "truth."

Q:  How big is your personal library?  

A: I don’t know how many books I have - a lot. Unfortunately, a big chunk of my library was left behind in Houston when I moved up to the Pac NW. There were too many to take. 

Q:  Can you draft a written suggested reading list from which most of your genius level insights / knowledge comes from, so we can post in online?  I.s. Ultimate Truther Library? 

A: Creating a reading list for a truther library might be quite extensive. While my books such as "The Splitting Image," "Plastic Macca," "Den of Vipers," "Code Red,” and “Zion’s Legacy,” could be a starting point, they're just pieces of a larger puzzle.

In the pursuit of truth, immersing oneself in history becomes invaluable. Beginning with ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome, and diving deep into the annals of Western civilization provides an essential contextual framework. Grasping the cultural, political, and social tapestries across different epochs acts as a prism through which to comprehend contemporary events and their historical roots.
Journeying through the rich philosophical and spiritual heritage of ancient India also offers profound insights. These diverse historical contexts enrich a holistic understanding of human societies and their evolutionary paths.
However, the pursuit of truth extends beyond specific texts or fields. It's about cultivating a sprawling knowledge repository, encompassing an array of disciplines—from sociology, psychology, to geopolitics, and economics. Diverse readings across philosophy, science, and cultural perspectives deepen the capacity to analyze, synthesize information, and discern underlying patterns.
Critical thinking evolves through exposure to divergent viewpoints and rigorous source evaluation. It transcends the mere accumulation of facts, honing the ability to sift through information, distinguishing between credible data and misleading narratives.
Furthermore, learning a foreign language offers a portal into understanding different cultures and histories at a deeper level. Engaging with original texts in their native language unveils nuances, fosters empathy, and broadens cognitive horizons. Languages mold thought processes, influencing how ideas are conceived and expressed, thereby enhancing adaptability and embracing global diversity. (I have a BA and an MA in Germanic Studies, and I have translated 3 books from German into English. I’ve also studied Spanish, French, Danish, Old Norse, and I am currently learning Russian. Ask me how to learn a language and I will be glad to give pointers.)
A broad knowledge base greatly improves pattern recognition and prediction abilities. It provides context to understand connections, allows for cross-disciplinary insights, and helps in foreseeing trends by drawing from historical data. The depth and breadth of knowledge enable individuals to identify patterns across diverse domains, enhancing their predictive ability.

In creating a library to unravel "genius-level insights," it's not confined to specific titles but encapsulates a thirst for knowledge, fostering an insatiable curiosity about the world. The treasure trove lies in a lifelong exploration, synthesizing a myriad of ideas and perspectives, cultivating a discerning eye towards information, ultimately facilitating the quest for truth.


Tina Foster is an attorney, Paul is Dead (PID) expert, and the author of

Tina Foster, the author of "Plastic Macca" and "The Splitting Image," fearlessly delves into controversial subjects such as government conspiracies and secret societies. Through thought-provoking writings, she challenges conventional wisdom, inviting readers to question official narratives. Despite facing criticism, Foster's work sheds light on lesser-known information, encouraging critical thinking and inspiring readers to explore hidden histories. Her contributions to alternative research have made a significant impact, emphasizing the importance of alternative perspectives in fostering a well-rounded understanding of our world.

Email Tina: faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com

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