"The fact that the government is being forced to hire armies of trolls
in an effort to silence the truth shows how worried they are about
the effect we are having in waking up millions of people ..."
~ Paul Joseph Watson
This article is a continuation of my discussion of information warfare concerning the Paul is Dead conspiracy theory (PID). [See also Faul in Line: PID, Truth Suppression, & Info Wars in Cyberspace and PIA Disinfo Agent Extraordinaire: Light_man/Dakudo]. In this article, I will focus on the David Icke Forum, which has been infiltrated by disinfo agents fighting desperately to suppress the Truth about Paul McCartney's replacement.
Information operations have taken advantage of the opportunities the online community presents. In 2006, CENTCOM, the United States Central Command, announced it would hire employees to engage bloggers that oppose them. [Source] In addition, "countries like Israel have admitted to creating an army of online trolls" to further their agenda. [Source]
The military-industrial complex, which owns corporate media networks in the US, has many programs aimed at infiltrating prominent Internet sites and spreading propaganda to counter the truth. [Source] Chat rooms, social networks and particularly article comment sections are routinely hit by trolls, who attempt to debunk any information that is being discussed, no matter how credible or well-documented. [Source] These trolls may pose as different people to create a false consensus. [Source] They may even claim that disinfo agents do not exist. Don't be fooled.
The Obama administration has been caught deliberately targeting “conspiracy groups” as part of a Cointelpro-style effort to silence critics. Cass Sunstein, Harvard law professor and Obama's appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, proposed a government plan to infiltrate conspiracy groups and undermine them by posting in chat rooms and on social networks. [Source] Sunstein proposed that government agents enter chat rooms, online social networks, and even real groups to undermine conspiracy theories. [Source] Their strategy would be to raise doubts about factual premises, causal logic, or implications for political action. [Source] The US Air Force developed its own 12-point "counter-blog response plan" that instructs how officers should deal with online writers they disagree with. [Source]
PIAers on the Icke forum routinely spread lies and distort anything members say who are honestly trying to investigate Paul McCartney's death and replacement. They may be low level operatives of MI-5 or some other agency.
Light_man has already been discussed in PIA Disinfo Agent Extraordinaire: Light_man/Dakudo. This was the agent who posted a picture of me, which not only compromised my privacy, but also served as a warning that he knew who I am and that I better shut up or else! I have more to say about the incident and the resulting fall-out, but for now, I would like to introduce you to some of the other MIoPIA (myopic MI-PIA) players at Icke. The usernames were no doubt picked for a reason and with care. They handles reveal their agenda.
This parasitic handle was chosen in honor of the "the most aggressive and destructive timber pests in the United States." [Source] Formosan_Termite gnaws away at his victims, undermining the truth like a termite destroys homes. He certainly has a voracious appetite for disinformation.
UPDATE: Formosan Termite has now been banned from the David Icke forum. Expect him to appear under a different username (Lightman was banned, but he is now posting as nimoyl)
This name refers to a Star Trek character, Trelane, the Squire of Gothos, who was a megalomaniac who amused himself by creating artificial illusions of reality.
Here is the synopsis of the Star Trek episode on wikipedia:
Trelane invites everyone to stay as his guests on his world he calls Gothos and discuss his favorite subject: the military history of Earth... Kirk and Spock both notice that their host never strays far from a particular wall mirror; they surmise that the mirror may be the source of his powers. To test this theory, Kirk provokes Trelane into a duel and during the fight he destroys the mirror and damages some strange machinery inside. It is discovered that Trelane uses this machine to manipulate matter for his amusement. The bridge crew manages to beam back to the Enterprise but, as the ship warps away, Gothos keeps appearing in its path. Kirk orders the Enterprise into orbit and is going to beam down. As he enters the turbolift, he suddenly finds himself in a witness stand in a courtroom back on Gothos where the angry Trelane confronts him dressed in the white wig and robes of a magistrate. Trelane tells Kirk he must face a trial for "treason", "conspiracy", and "fomenting insurrection." Silencing Kirk's protests, Trelane condemns Kirk to death by hanging.Just as Trelane is about to kill Kirk, two energy beings appear and put a stop to his fun. It is revealed that Trelane is the "child" of the two beings. After apologizing to Kirk for their child's misbehavior, the beings disappear along with the whining Trelane, and Kirk is allowed to return to the ship. [Source]
The Squire of Gothos uses a machine (computer) to manipulate reality. He gets in the way of people trying to reveal the Truth, and is the self-appointed judge of "conspiracy theorists." He is also a petulant, immature, misbehaving child.
From Squire's profile page at Icke:
About the squire of gothos
- Biography
- PIA Disinfo Agent (Knights Of Macca Branch)
- ...
- Interests
- PIA Disinfo
- Occupation
- PIA Disinfo
This person is mocking his opponents by openly admitting he is engaged in "PIA Disinfo." If he is not being paid for his service, then I certainly hope he is getting pro bono credit for it.
The avatar his has chosen is how he chooses to represent himself to the public. The avatar consists of these two images:
This handle refers to the magnolia flower. These flowers are pollinated by beetles. [Source] Pollination is a process of propagation. Propaganda is "the systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause." [Source]
Therefore, Magnolia uses the Beatles for propaganda.
This person also posts as diabolo1 on other forums.
...The term "diabolo" was not taken from the Italian word for "devil" — "diavolo" ...The Greek word "diabolos" means "the liar" or "the one that commits perjury," from the verb "diaballo," which means "to throw in," "to generate confusion," "to divide," or "to make someone fall." ...
[Source: Wikipedia]
This person is telling us with his choice of username that he is a liar intent on creating confusion and division.
UPDATE: Post by White Horse on April 27, 2010 informs us of their coordinated disinfo tactics, which include the moderator, Merlincove, at Icke.
Actually, I do appreciate everyone who came along that night to troll the Paul is Dead (Thread is Dead)
Fucking hilarious night... Ex Sheep, JoJo, Hunter, Merlin was an awesomely funny evening!! like a bunch of naughty kids in a school dorm causing mischief!!
Hey Merlin - I only just noticed that you had reopend one of the main PID threads coupla months back... love the style man, nice opening... BANG and they're off, they didn't miss a beat!! An you know, I felt warm in my heart for that!
Hey Exsheep.
You're a fucking mod haha when did that happen that's hilarious! A sheep (sorry, ex) sheep on a moped a mod!kudos dude! Fuckign brilliant of ya!
[Posted here]
White Horse uses the following avatar. Looks to me as though he is referencing the white unicorn on the British coat of arms. It might be a clue as to whom he is working for.
More on White Horse from an anonymous source:
You'll note that his horse looks a lot like the one at the Denver Airport which is connected to the Montauk Project mind control program. The one in Denver is blue, his is presumably white, I'm not sure about the one representing Montauk.
It is the fourth horse in the book of Revelation in the Bible and is appropriately called “Death”.
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse;
and his name that sat on him was
Death, and Hell followed with him. And
power was given unto them over the
fourth part of the earth, to kill with
sword, and with hunger, and with
death, and with the beasts of the earth”.
-Revelation 6:7-8
He also has the Masonic luciferian pentagram and the "scale", which represents the notion that you must balance your evil acts with separate good deeds to evade the karma of the harm you have caused. Hence the charitable contributions after each child sacrifice bloodfest.
He also pointed me to this link, which had this information:
Those who study the Conspiratorial aspects of our Government, have noted that the Mustang bears a striking resemblance to a horse associated with the Montauk Project, a secret government program linked to mind control and other fantastic claims. The Montauk Project is connected with the Philadelphia Experiment, a case of time bending disaster carried out by the U.S. Military. Both the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment will be explored in further detail in upcoming E.I. posts.
Was this the inspiration for White Horse's username?
Tina Foster is the author of
Email Tina at faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com.
See Related:
Daniel Tencer, Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups, January 15, 2010.
Paul Joseph Watson, Obama Information Czar Outlined Plan For Government To Infiltrate Conspiracy Groups, January 15, 2010
The Luciferian Deception
ALIEN INVASION: Reptilians, Cetaceans and Frequency Wars on Planet Earth |
White Horse's avatar is missing. I wonder why that is ?
ReplyDeleteExcellent post as usual. Your hard work is a credit to the PID movement.
Nanabird, White Horse may have removed his avatar since I posted it here. I'm glad I saved it. It's back up now. Thanks for letting me know.
I just realised that the actor who played "The Squire of Gothos" was called "William Campbell", just like Faul's alleged name. That can't be a coincidence.