Tuesday, March 19, 2024

"CODE RED The Secret Communist Takeover of America" - Introduction (video)


Listen to the Introduction of "CODE RED" at ODYSSEY || BITCHUTE || BRIGHTEON

“Code Red” explores the contemporary challenge of communism in America, tracing its historical origins, ideologies, and societal impacts. It unveils how Marxism stealthily subverts education, media, and politics, eroding liberty under the guise of “equity.” This insightful work dissects the infiltration of Marxist ideology, illuminating threats to cherished American values and freedoms. By paralleling historical socialist movements with today's political landscape, it provides invaluable perspectives on potential repercussions of current policies. Serving as an indispensable guide, it equips readers to discern warning signals, partake in informed discussions, and safeguard America's legacy. Unveiling concealed agendas, it promotes critical analysis and prompts readers to scrutinize the motivations behind policies, fostering meaningful dialogues. Above all, “Code Red” champions vigilance, urging individuals to protect freedom for upcoming generations in the face of communism's burgeoning influence.



Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED,” “Zion’s Legacy,” “Downsized,” and "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy.” She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth.

Web: cynthiahodges.com


Tina Foster is an attorney, Paul is Dead (PID) expert, and the author of

Tina Foster, the author of "Plastic Macca" and "The Splitting Image," fearlessly delves into controversial subjects such as government conspiracies and secret societies. Through thought-provoking writings, she challenges conventional wisdom, inviting readers to question official narratives. Despite facing criticism, Foster's work sheds light on lesser-known information, encouraging critical thinking and inspiring readers to explore hidden histories. Her contributions to alternative research have made a significant impact, emphasizing the importance of alternative perspectives in fostering a well-rounded understanding of our world.

Email Tina: faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com

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