Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Puzzle of “St. Paul”: Terry Knight's PID Riddle


The Puzzle of “St. Paul”: 

Terry Knight's PID Riddle

Tina Foster

Few songs have captivated and bewildered "Paul is Dead" (PID) enthusiasts quite like Terry Knight's composition, "St. Paul." Released in May 1969, this song took on an eerie significance, with lyrics that seemed to hint at the demise of none other than Paul McCartney of the Beatles. As the rumor mill churned, speculations ran rampant, weaving a tangled web of conspiracy theories and musical intrigue that continues to fascinate to this day.

The Prelude

In February 1969, Terry Knight (of Grand Funk Railroad) met with a figure who claimed to be Paul McCartney. This encounter would prove to be a defining moment in Knight's life, setting the stage for the creation of a musical masterpiece that would captivate audiences for generations to come.

This pivotal meeting led to Knight's penning of the haunting composition known as "St. Paul." The lyrics are infused with a sense of urgency and solemnity that echoed the gravity of the situation.

Decoding the Lyrics: Unraveling the Mystery of Paul McCartney's Demise

A close examination of the lyrics of "St. Paul" by Terry Knight reveals a tapestry of cryptic references and veiled allusions. The song begins with introspective lines, "I looked into the sky, Everything was high, Higher than it seemed to be to me," hinting at a departure from earthly realms and suggesting transcendence. The subsequent imagery of standing by the sea, contemplating freedom, and hearing a distant call from "St. Paul" paints a portrait of longing and existential questioning.

Throughout the song, Knight intertwines themes that allude to Paul McCartney. References to betrayal, secrecy, and hidden truths align closely with the rumors surrounding Paul’s demise, prompting speculation about Faul McCartney possibly using Knight to convey a message or explore personal themes. Knight's narrative oscillates between introspection and accusation, with references to countercultural symbols such as flowers, long hair, and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band adding depth to the story while subtly hinting at a deeper subtext. The refrain, "You say you want to live your life to the future, They say they've got dues to pay today," juxtaposes conflicting ideologies, reflecting the societal tensions of the era.

Listen to "St Paul" by Terry Knight

Listen to "Hey Jude" by the Beatles

Embedded within the intricate tapestry of "St. Paul" lies a narrative suggesting the death of the real Paul McCartney. The song's references to St. Paul serve as allegorical nods to Paul McCartney, portraying him as a martyred saint. Symbolic signposts such as references to Judas, betrayal, and Sir Isaac Newton's apple serve as keys to unlock the mystery, inviting listeners on a journey of discovery into secret truths.

McCartney's Potential Involvement: Inspiration or Commission?

The uncanny resemblance between Terry Knight's "St. Paul" and the Beatles' classic, "Hey Jude,” raises intriguing questions about the genesis of Knight's composition. The undeniable similarities in melody and structure have led some to speculate that "St. Paul" may not have been merely inspired by "Hey Jude," but rather commissioned by Faul McCartney himself.

The parallels between the two songs are striking: from the soaring melodies to the anthemic choruses and emotive lyrics, "St. Paul" mirrors the grandeur and emotional depth of "Hey Jude" in a way that goes beyond mere coincidence. Furthermore, the fact that "St. Paul" was associated with Maclen Music, Inc., the publishing company overseeing Lennon and McCartney's works, rather than Knight's own Storybook Music, raises questions about McCartney's potential involvement.

If Knight had indeed plagiarized "Hey Jude," it would be reasonable to expect legal action from McCartney to protect his intellectual property. However, no such lawsuit ever materialized, suggesting a more complex relationship between Knight and McCartney. It is plausible that McCartney sanctioned or even commissioned Knight's composition to echo the emotional resonance of "Hey Jude," possibly as a means to convey hidden truths.

McCartney's meeting with Knight in February 1969 adds another layer of intrigue to the narrative. If McCartney did commission "St. Paul," this meeting could have catalyzed their collaboration, providing Knight with insights and inspiration that shaped the composition's final form.

In light of these revelations, it is plausible to think that Knight may have uncovered evidence of Paul’s demise. Through "St. Paul," Knight offers a glimpse into a world of secrecy and intrigue, prompting listeners to confront the possibility that the truth about Paul’s fate was concealed from the public eye. As listeners unravel the enigmatic layers of "St. Paul," they are left to ponder the chilling implications of Knight's revelation and the enduring mystery of Paul McCartney's legacy.

While the true extent of McCartney's involvement may never be definitively proven, circumstantial evidence suggests a compelling case. From the timing of the encounter to the thematic parallels, McCartney's influence may be more deeply embedded in "St. Paul" than initially apparent. As listeners continue to explore the mysteries surrounding this haunting composition, the possibility of McCartney's commissioning of "St. Paul" adds yet another layer of intrigue to the enigmatic tale.

The Shadow of Silence: Terry Knight's Reluctance to Speak

Following the release of "St. Paul," Terry Knight's conspicuous silence regarding the song's cryptic meaning added layers of intrigue to its mystique. Despite persistent inquiries and probing investigations by scholars and enthusiasts, Knight steadfastly refused to disclose the secrets concealed within the haunting composition. His reticence left scholars and enthusiasts grasping for clues that might unlock the song's hidden truths.

As rumors swirled and speculation ran rampant, Knight's reluctance only fueled curiosity, transforming "St. Paul" into a symbol of intrigue within the music industry. Over time, the song's enigmatic aura intensified, captivating the imaginations of listeners and sparking a collective quest for answers.

The mystery surrounding "St. Paul" took a tragic turn with Terry Knight's untimely death. On November 1, 2004, Knight was brutally murdered, leaving behind a legacy of unanswered questions. His murder deepened the mystery surrounding the song and fueled speculation about its true origins.

Many wondered if Knight's death was somehow connected to the secrets he had vowed to keep hidden, or if it was merely a tragic coincidence unrelated to the enigmatic composition that had captivated so many. 

The untimely passing of Terry Knight in 2004 marked the closing of a chapter in music history, yet the legacy of "St. Paul" endures, casting a long shadow over the landscape of musical mysteries.

The Final Note

The enduring allure of "St. Paul" persists, captivating listeners with its enigmatic narrative. Whether interpreted as a cryptic revelation of Paul’s death or as a piece of speculative fiction, the song continues to intrigue, drawing listeners into its mysterious depths. As we delve into its cryptic lyrics and haunting melody, we are compelled to ponder its true significance.

Perhaps one day, the secrets concealed within "St. Paul" will be unveiled, providing insights into the mind of its enigmatic creator and shedding light on the enduring mysteries surrounding "Paul is Dead" (PID) theories. Until then, the song remains a tantalizing enigma, beckoning us to contemplate and speculate on its hidden meaning.

All of this and more is discussed in Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney.


Tina Foster is an attorney, Paul is Dead (PID) expert, and the author of

Tina Foster, the author of "Plastic Macca" and "The Splitting Image," fearlessly delves into controversial subjects such as government conspiracies and secret societies. Through thought-provoking writings, she challenges conventional wisdom, inviting readers to question official narratives. Despite facing criticism, Foster's work sheds light on lesser-known information, encouraging critical thinking and inspiring readers to explore hidden histories. Her contributions to alternative research have made a significant impact, emphasizing the importance of alternative perspectives in fostering a well-rounded understanding of our world.

Email Tina: faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com

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