Saturday, March 2, 2024

Get (It) Back: Paul McCartney’s Iconic Bass Returned to Faul (video)


Get (It) Back: 

Paul McCartney’s Iconic Bass Returned to Faul

Tina Foster


In the annals of music history, few instruments hold as much significance as Paul McCartney's iconic Höfner violin bass guitar. Used extensively during The Beatles' meteoric rise to fame in the 1960s, this instrument not only served as a cornerstone of the band's distinctive sound but also became an emblematic symbol of their cultural impact. However, the theft of Paul’s beloved bass in 1972 marked a somber chapter in its storied history, leaving a void in both McCartney's personal collection and the broader music community.

For over five decades, the whereabouts of Paul’s stolen Höfner bass remained shrouded in mystery, fueling speculation and intrigue among fans and collectors alike. Despite concerted efforts to locate the instrument over the years, including intermittent leads and sporadic sightings, its elusive trail seemed destined to fade into obscurity.

However, in a remarkable turn of events, a glimmer of hope emerged with the inception of the Lost Bass Project in 2018. Spearheaded by a dedicated team of individuals, including Höfner expert Nick Wass and journalists Scott and Naomi Jones, the project embarked on a mission to unravel the mystery surrounding Paul’s missing bass guitar.

The journey to recover Paul’s stolen instrument was fraught with challenges and obstacles, yet fueled by an unwavering determination to unearth the truth. Through meticulous research, tireless investigation, and the collaborative efforts of volunteers and Beatles enthusiasts worldwide, the Lost Bass Project gradually pieced together fragments of information, gradually illuminating the path toward its eventual recovery.

The breakthrough in the search for Paul’s stolen Höfner bass came with a pivotal tip-off regarding its theft in London's Notting Hill in 1972. Bolstered by this newfound lead, the project intensified its efforts, leveraging newfound momentum to propel the search forward.

In a remarkable twist of fate, the elusive bass guitar was discovered nestled away in the attic of a family home in East Sussex, England. Astonishingly, the instrument had remained concealed for over half a century, its significance unbeknownst to its unsuspecting caretakers.

The authentication of Paul’s long-lost Höfner bass by the manufacturer itself served as a validation of its authenticity, affirming its rightful place in music history and in Paul’s illustrious legacy. Despite showing signs of wear and requiring minor repairs, the bass remained remarkably intact, housed within its original case—a testament to the enduring craftsmanship and resilience of Höfner instruments.

The emotional resonance of McCartney's reunion with Paul’s stolen Höfner bass guitar reverberated throughout the music world, evoking a profound sense of nostalgia and triumph. For McCartney, the return of the instrument represented a tangible link to Paul’s years with The Beatles.

Moreover, the recovery of Paul’s stolen bass guitar underscored the enduring fascination with Beatles memorabilia and the timeless appeal of their music across generations. From the packed halls of The Cavern Club to the global stage of Beatlemania, the legacy of The Beatles continues to captivate audiences worldwide, transcending boundaries of time and space.

The instrument’s journey—from theft to recovery—serves as a poignant reminder of the indelible mark left by The Beatles on the tapestry of music history.

But amidst this triumphant recovery lies another intriguing aspect of the Paul McCartney saga: the mystery surrounding the replacement of the original Paul with an imposter known as Faul. While the focus has largely been on the bass guitar’s return, discrepancies in the heights of Paul and Faul have sparked  controversy among Beatles fans and conspiracy theorists alike.

Paul McCartney, according to official sources, was described as being around 5'11" tall. However, a deeper examination of historical records and visual evidence reveals inconsistencies. The Celebrity Heights website lists Paul's height at 5 ft 10 in (178 cm), with a "peak height" of 5 ft 11 in (180 cm), yet comparisons to his bandmates show fluctuations in relative heights over the years.

An anonymous researcher conducted a meticulous analysis using instruments, such as the Hoefner bass,  as a yardstick for measurement. Contrary to official records, Anonymous suggested that Paul was closer to 5'8" in height, rather than the purported 5'11".

The crux of the height controversy lies in the comparison between Paul and Faul. Using instruments and other metrics, Anonymous concluded that Faul appeared to be approximately 2.5 inches taller than the original Paul McCartney—a significant difference that challenges the narrative presented by official sources.

In the ongoing debate surrounding the replacement of Paul McCartney with an imposter known as Faul, one aspect that has captured significant attention is the use of a larger bass guitar, such as a Wal 5-string bass or an Epiphone, to conceal the height difference between the two individuals. This intriguing theory suggests that Faul, the impostor, strategically switched to using a larger instrument to maintain the illusion of consistency in size and stature, thereby masking any noticeable disparities between himself and the original Paul McCartney.

The Epiphone bass guitar, known for its larger size as compared to the Höfner violin bass famously associated with Paul, became a focal point in discussions surrounding the height controversy. Proponents of the theory argue that by adopting the Epiphone bass, for ex, Faul effectively altered the visual perception of his height, creating a facade of uniformity that obscured any discrepancies when compared to the original Paul.

One of the key elements in this theory lies in the comparative sizes of the Höfner, Wal, and Epiphone bass guitars. The Höfner violin bass, favored by Paul McCartney during his tenure with The Beatles, is known for its compact and lightweight design, making it a distinctive feature of Paul’s stage presence. In contrast, the Epiphone bass is notably larger and more imposing in size, with a different aesthetic that diverges from the iconic look associated with Paul’s early performances.

By opting for the larger basses, Faul seemingly deviated from the established visual identity associated with Paul McCartney, prompting speculation among observers. The switch to a larger instrument raised questions about the motivations behind such a decision, particularly in light of the ongoing scrutiny surrounding Faul's imposture.

Some theorists argue that Faul's choice to use the Epiphone bass was a deliberate attempt to manipulate perceptions of his height and physical appearance. By selecting an instrument that differed significantly from Paul’s preferred Höfner bass, Faul sought to create a visual illusion that minimized any noticeable differences in stature between himself and the original Paul.

Moreover, the use of the larger basses may have served as a practical solution to address concerns about the height differential between Paul and Faul. By embracing a larger instrument, Faul could obscure any potential inconsistencies in height during public appearances and performances, thereby reinforcing the narrative of continuity and preserving the illusion of authenticity.

The saga of Paul McCartney's stolen Höfner bass guitar, from its disappearance in 1972 to its recovery, serves as a poignant symbol of the indelible mark left by The Beatles on the fabric of music history. Yet, amidst the celebrations of its return lies a shadow of intrigue. The discrepancies in heights between Paul and Faul, coupled with the use of larger bass guitars to conceal them, add layers of complexity to an already compelling narrative. Ultimately, the switch to a larger Epiphone bass serves as a compelling piece of evidence supporting the notion of a Paul McCartney imposter.


For more information about the Paul is Dead theory, check out Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney


Tina Foster is an attorney, Paul is Dead (PID) expert, and the author of

Tina Foster, the author of "Plastic Macca" and "The Splitting Image," fearlessly delves into controversial subjects such as government conspiracies and secret societies. Through thought-provoking writings, she challenges conventional wisdom, inviting readers to question official narratives. Despite facing criticism, Foster's work sheds light on lesser-known information, encouraging critical thinking and inspiring readers to explore hidden histories. Her contributions to alternative research have made a significant impact, emphasizing the importance of alternative perspectives in fostering a well-rounded understanding of our world.

Email Tina: faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com

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